Origin is a pioneering creative technology company whose first-to-market Native Advertising solutions are reshaping how brands connect with consumers on Connected TV.
Before we dive into what Native CTV is (and how Origin Native CTV has proven to elevate brand recall and purchase intent for national brands by up to 41%), let's get a few basic definitions out the way:
Defining Connected TV (CTV)
Definition: Any television that has an internet connection or is connected to the internet via a streaming device (e.g. Roku), gaming console (e.g. PS4) or set top box.
Screens: Television.
Defining Native CTV Advertising
Definition: The strategic use of specific content that fits naturally within the environment where it is being consumed and whose purpose is to promote a brand, without looking like an ad itself.
Statistics: Almost 40% of all video advertising budgets are spent on video-based native advertising.
FACT: The only screens that have been able to support native video content strategies until now are computers, tablets & mobile devices.
Origin Native CTV involves the custom production of highly engaging short form native video content that has been meticulously engineered to fit into the ad breaks of any regular CTV ad break. Within that break, the native content creates its own distinct native content environment that is completely separate to the primary viewing experience that the viewer is having.
This carefully hand crafted Native CTV content is designed to achieve three critical objectives:
ENGAGE: Bring the attention of the viewer back to the television during an ad break.
IMMERSE: Use contextually relevant and deeply engaging content to get them actively or emotionally invested in a certain topic.
PRIME: Give brands an organic opportunity to connect with their target audience while they are engaged, either solely through the Origin Native video content itself or as a vehicle to prime them directly ahead of their regular CTV ad.
This is Origin Native CTV. If you would like to learn more about what we do, who we do it for and what it did for them, drop us a line - solutions@originmedia.tv
About Origin
Origin is a pioneering creative technology company whose first to market creative solutions are reshaping how brands connect with consumers on Connected TV.
The original architects of ‘Native CTV’, Origin’s in-house studio produces engaging native content for advertisers that is designed to capture the attention of a room, immerse the audience in active dialogue and elevate the connection they feel with the brand.
Origin was founded by media veterans Freddie Godfrey and Stephen Strong, whose success has been shaped by a relentless commitment to disrupting the status quo. Learn more at www.originmedia.tv.