When we set out to host a Live Webinar titled "Has the time come to take the C out of CTV?" our hypothesis was strongly skewed towards "YES!" but after digesting the data from the national survey conducted by the leading results-based measurement platform, LoopMe, it appears the answer to this question might be less conclusive than we thought.
On June 22, CEO and Co-Founder Freddie Godfrey of Origin Media hosted a live panel discussion that unpacked important learnings from the survey. The objective of the survey was to understand streaming viewers' perceptions of the medium, with the purpose of the panel being to discuss how we as an industry might want to respond to what viewers see Connected TV as.
Some of the key takeaways from the session are:
The vast majority of viewers are familiar with the term "Smart TV", but far less familiar with the terms CTV or Streaming TV.
Perception and use of CTV is directly correlated to age.
That the future of how the TV will evolve way reach beyond pure content consumption.
Given the night and day contrast that exists between traditional TV and CTV, perhaps allowing CTV to carve out its own path rather than converging with linear is necessary if we are to innovate better on the living room screen.
Panelists included Gavin Bridge of Variety Intelligence Platform, Uzo Ometu of BlackOakTV, Jesse Wright of Origin Media, Marketing Advisor Pete Harrison, Devin Fallon of Vizio and moderator Freddie Godfrey of Origin.
If you missed the discussion, you can watch the full recording below:
About Origin
Origin is a pioneering media and technology company whose first to market advertising solutions are reshaping how brands engage and activate consumers on Connected TV.
The original architects of ‘Native CTV’, Origin’s in-house animation studio produces engaging native content for advertisers that is designed to capture the attention of a room, immerse the audience in active dialogue and elevate the connection they feel towards a brand.
Origin Media was founded by media veterans Freddie Godfrey and Stephen Strong, whose success has been shaped by a relentless commitment to disrupting the status quo. Learn more at www.originmedia.tv.